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Cutie1 Berserk Skull Knight Comic Cover Color Ver
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Cutie1 Berserk Skull Knight Comic Cover Color Ver



Skull knight Comic Cover Color Ver

Cutie1 Products

2558:array ( 0 => '2', 1 => '4', 2 => '42', 3 => '104', 4 => '108', 5 => '362', 6 => '364', 7 => '425', 8 => '442', 9 => '771', 10 => '462', 11 => '568', 12 => '43', 13 => '424', )
¥5,830(Incl. Tax)


Arrival Date:Jan 2025
- +
CT1-24005 キューティ1 ベルセルク 髑髏の騎士 コミックカバーカラーver

[Product Description]
The Skull Knight makes his grand entrance in a special version under the Cutie1 Berserk series. This plush-style deformed figure captures the imposing presence of the Skull Knight, painted in the iconic green from the original manga illustrations. The regal metallic finish and the ominous orange glow in his eyes perfectly capture his eerie atmosphere. Fans have long awaited this color scheme for the “one who opposes the five angels,” making it a must-have addition to your dark fantasy collection!

PVC/ABS and other materials

H: 12 cm

[Specifications/Additional Items]
・One (1) specially designed base



Availability:In stock
SKU CT1-24005