Hatsune Miku "Art by lack"
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Hatsune Miku "Art by lack"


Piapro Character

"Art by lack" 
Pre-Painted Figure

1201:array ( 0 => '2', 1 => '42', 2 => '104', 3 => '136', 4 => '425', 5 => '428', 6 => '228', 7 => '492', 8 => '123', 9 => '364', 10 => '442', 11 => '568', 12 => '771', )
¥19,800(Incl. Tax)


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PRISMA WING 初音ミク "Art by lack” 1/7 スケール 完成品フィギュア 初音ミク 初音 ミク はつねみく はつね みく ボカロ ぼかろ ボーカロイド ぼーかろいど ぴあぷろ ピアプロ PIAPRO ピアプロキャラ ビアプロキャラクターズ Piapro Characters Art by lack lack PRISMA WING プリズマウィング プリズマ PRIZMA 1/7スケール フィギュア 1/7 完成品フィギュア Pre-Painted Figure PWPCL-01P

We are excited to present you our first-ever PVC figure from Prime 1 Studio’s PRISMA WING line-up, our new brand focusing on characters from manga, anime, and video games!

And who can be better as our debut product than Hatsune Miku, one of the most famous Vocaloid on the internet?
For this occasion, we have entrusted the concept design to lack, a talented Japanese illustrator in charge of various projects involving video games and Vtubers.

Hatsune Miku is cute and generous, with her iconic twin-tailed hairstyle slowly flowing down on her shoulder. The gradual transition of her hair color starts as blue and ends with a translucent turquoise, showcasing her elegant and brilliant nature.

Just look at how detailed and lovely she is! The design really makes you appreciate the grace of her twin-tails.
We recreated her clothes in style to match her futuristic world of origin, along with her lovely geometric and well-defined textures on her mini-skirt and sweater!

Enjoy this fantastic and highly detailed figure of one of the most iconic characters in the Japanese Entertainment World!

Hatsune Miku is ready to go live!

• Series: Piapro
• Product code: PWPCL-01P
• Product name: PRISMA WING Hatsune Miku “Art by lack” 1/7 Scale Pre-Painted figure
• Material: PVC and ABS
• PVC - figure base included
• Size approximately 7.5 inches (19cm)
• JAN code: 4580708040332
• Price: 165 USD
• Pre-order start date: 28th of January 2022
• Pre-order deadline: 22nd of March 2022
• Shipment start: Jan. 2023
• Shipment due: Mar. 2023

• Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.
• Please note that the final product specifications may differ because each product is Handmade.
• Since the product is still in the development stage, the Size (up to 10%) & Weight (up to 10kg) may be changed during the production stage.

Art by lack ©Crypton Future Media, INC.www.piapro.net

Availability:In stock

プライム1スタジオがお届けする新たなフィギュアブランド「PRISMA WING」、その第1弾を飾るのは、ゲームやVtuberなど様々なジャンルで活躍するイラストレーター・lack氏による完全描き下ろしイラストの『初音ミク』を立体化!
ツインテールにはクリアパーツを使用し、毛先にかけて細やかで透明感のあるグラデーション塗装を施し軽やかさを表現。 近未来感をイメージした衣装の細やかなテクスチャや、細部まで緻密に造りこんだ造形など、イラストの世界からそのまま飛び出したような再現度です。

商品 初音ミク"Art by lack"
作品 ピアプロキャラクターズ
仕様 塗装済み完成品フィギュア
サイズ 全高 19cm
特典 特製ポストカード
原型制作 ピンポイント
彩色 ピンポイント
発売元 プライム1スタジオ



Art by lack ©Crypton Future Media, INC.www.piapro.net