We are so excited to show you the renovated Cutie1 website!
You are probably here for the lovely Cutie1 figures, aren’t you?
Well, we have good news! In a short time, in addition to the Cutie1 series, you would be able to find here also more products to add in your collection such as apparel and limited-edition items from the events!
While you enjoy our Prime 1 Studio website, we are working on the renewal of the Cutie1 website too, in order to make it awesome and a more ease of use, and we would like you to take a look on it!
Of course, the lovely Cutie1 figures will still be the main attraction of the site, but we would like to improve and enrich the catalogue with additional products!
Visiting our renovated online store, you will have the chance to get the limited-edition items from our events, the “WEAREVERWiz” fashion line-up inspired to the characters of the entertainment universe, and the new “Prime Collectible Figures” line-up of smaller but high-quality figures.
We didn’t only change the design of the website: we have renewed the usage of the site itself, thanks to which placing orders will be simpler and user-friendly.
And by the way, the online store is not the only change we made!
From now on, we will publish on this website all the announcements regarding the events like the known worldwide “NEXT LEVEL SHOWCASE” or the news about the new products! So please, keep checking this website, we guarantee you that it will be really explosive and full of surprises!
Why don’t you take a look on the new website during your shopping? You will definitely love it!
We will announce the date and the time of the renewal soon! Stay tuned!